Tuesday, July 10, 2007


We have set up a new blog to give you a direct line to our new MD, Jan Coetzee, entitled CENTRE COURT WITH JAN. Part of Jan's vision for the company is that we have a good communication line between all members of Manpower. Jan realises, that, during his day-to-day function he may not be able to touch base with each of us. Therefore, he has set up a blog where we can pose any question to him. Anyone can leave a posting with the only proviso being that it 'not be a dumpsite for complaints'. We have put a link on the Powernews site to your right. If you click on it will take you directy to the blog.

To post a question follow these steps:

1. Click on which centre you are from (choices of JHB, DBN or CT).
2. Click on POST A COMMENT.
4. Underneath the message click on OTHER
5. Type your name in
6. Select the ORANGE option (PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT).

Your question will then be emailed to Jan who will publish it with his answer. The process will take up to 24 hours before you see your question and answer. Remember that its an open forum for all to see. So if you wish to discuss anything personal rather email Jan directly (jan@manpower.co.za). If you wish to save the address of the blog under your favourites, the address is: http://askjan.blogspot.com/.

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