We were not sure what to entitle this posting - it went from, "the hole that Ian made" to "Leknath Paddy Wack". You see, the story behind this curious event is that Pravesh (aka Leknath) made a single placement to the value of R85,200 shattering all Durban General records. Ian recognised his achievement by sending out a national email to Manpower. The result was that Pravesh's head started swelling to the point that Durban General had to consider renting the offices next door to store his swollen head (and macho ego). Ian, being the eternal miser, decided to rather remove two ceiling boards in the roof to accomodate his swollen appendage (definition: An appendage in the broadest sense is an additional or subsidiary part existing on, or added to, something which can generally still function if the appendage has never existed or is later provided or grown, or will still perform a primary function if the appendage is removed). Please note that no ceiling boards were harmed in the process and will be replaced once the 'ego has landed'.
1 comment:
eish....u go CHAROU, take it for the team
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