Friday, December 7, 2007


This month marks the first anniversary of Rodney Govender as the branch manager of Bryanston Office Support. To celebrate the occasion we got his team members to put together something about him. Congratulations Rodders - may you stay with Manpower for the next 1000 years - Powernews
Our Indian Enigma – The shadow amongst the roses
(written by Rodneys team)

I decided it was about high tide to shine the proverbial spot-light onto one of Manpower’s perfects! Today is his anniversary - he has been Branch Manager for a whole year!
The man rose out of the rollercoaster world of consultancy - smack into the light of managing one of the busiest divisions in the world! Bryanston Office Support! He has shone his rays of controversial managing light onto the team that barely existed in January this year. Here are some in-depth things and opinions you might not have known about our “King of the office world”.

We asked some of the team members what they thought of the Rodders!

Q: What type of Animal does Rodders remind you of?
A: “ I see him as a Fish Eagle, he has great insight into this business and he doesn’t abuse power – He prefers to mentor, coach and offer you guidance as suppose to spoon feeding you to success! He creates a platform to strive to excellence. He has a very calm and approachable management style”

Q: “If Rodney became president of this country - how would that affect our crime rate?”
A: “Rodney has the gift of gentle persuasion. I think he could, in fact, persuade all criminals with good Office skills to stop doing crime. If he could get us to bill, he could defiantly apply his powers to the greater good”

Q: “If Rodney had one wish, what do you think he would wish for”
A: “Definitely to own the Taj Mahal – Rodney is a man that thinks big – Not any old “house” will do. He deserves the best….. He deserves the Taj Mahal”

Q: “Mention one thing about Rodney that you know is true, without a doubt…”
A: “Loooooves couscous chicken salad……..”

Q: “If Jamie Oliver and Rodney were to have swimming contest – why would Rodney win?”
Rodney wouldn’t win – He would be the one that would make the tactical decision to rather to stop along the way and do business. To Rodney the journey means more than the destination. He would defiantly let Jamie win and then have him sign our terms and conditions at the finishing line”

Q: “What cartoon character does Rodney remind you of”
A: “I think Rodney could definitely be a Sponge-Bob Square Pants. He is fresh thinking and trustworthy. ‘Absorbing’ information around him like a sponge, spreading wise words all over the proverbial ocean bed of murky sales despair!!!!! He enters the world wide-eyed, eager to spread lessons and make friends! Yes… Im sure now… Rodders is a typical Sponge Bob!

Q: “What do you think Rodney wanted to be when he was growing up?”
A: “Im thinking he wanted to be a F1 driver – Rodney has a love for speed, the fines that he got recently proves it”

Friday, November 23, 2007


On Wednesday 21st Tina, Ian, Meshal & Shaaista braved the wet early cold morning and arrived at the airport at 5am to fly to Johannesburg for Adapt training. When we got there it was a quick breakfast before we were met by our Cape Town counterparts and frisked off to the Bryanston office. Oh my hat was it worth it! For those of you who havent yet been fortunate enough to experience Adapt be prepared to be blown away. Apart from been an incredible database it also doubles as your admin slave - preparing CV's, job matches and even invoice requests. Each feature was unveiled to exclamations of, "No", "Serious", "Oh my hat", "Gee Whizz" and even the odd "Glory balls"! Adapt is a tool of adding incredible value to our business in that it will streamline the recruitment process and in the end help us provide a better, more efficient service to our clients. It is easy to see why Manpower has added it to their global arsenal - it rocks!

Friday, November 16, 2007


We know that its November and you are feeling all the ache and pain of a years hard work so to refresh your mind and get the grey matter circulating - we have a brainteaser. Special thanks to Yolanda Olivier for sending it in. Please post your answer under the comments page - don't forget to include your name so we can see who all the clever one's are!

Here goes:

There is a bus with 7 children

Each child has 7 rucksacks

In each rucksack are 7 big cats

Every big cat has 7 small cats

Every cat has 4 legs

Question: How many legs are in the Bus?

Thursday, November 15, 2007


It was too late to be added last week so here is the official Powernews pic of Tiffany and Garrath. We wish them all the best together!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Jan Coetzee has announced that the monthly mystery prize for the most shout-outs nationally will be a R1500-00 gift voucher at a local shopping centre of the winners choice. Furthermore, he promised that the employee with the most shout-outs nationally at the end April 2008 will receive a weekend away for two to the value of R3500-00, with additional spending money of R1000-00. This is a fantastic opportunity to help 'grow' the brand and its value while standing a chance of winning. As in the words of Jan, "This is really something to SHOUT-OUT". Remember that you can nominate anyone who lives the brand by completing a SHOUT-OUT CHEQUE (available on your shared drive or from your manager) and emailing it to Ian in Durban. SHOUT-OUTS are posted every morning before 7am and notification is sent out. So when someone goes beyond the field of duty and lives the brand - give them a BIG SHOUT-OUT for all to see.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Claire McMullin from Bryanston Finance posted the first Shout Out yesterday. Unbeknown to her, she made history when she lauded Melody Van Watt for 'helping her in her first week at work'. This has been added to the Bryanston Finance Scorecard which can be accessed by clicking on the link to the right entitled "Manpower Shout Out".

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Hi all,
It has reached that time of the year when the festivities begin.
It is indeed the season to be “GIVING”

As most of you are aware there are many children out there who will be spending a very “bleak” FESTIVE SEASON.
For those of you on the East Coast, you will by now know that East Coast Radio runs a TOY STORY initiative at this time of the year.
The initiative is to collect new toys AND donations for food parcels (which will feed a family of 4-6 for 6weeks). We have decided to be a part of this initiative as a social responsibility project. We would appreciate the charity of all the generous and giving individuals within Manpower.
Please make your pledges to Meshal or Jayshree at the Durban office by Friday 23/11/2007. All donations and toys to be received by Friday 07/12/2007.

I am sure that those less fortunate out there would appreciate this really wonderful gesture on our part. And of course we will be content in the knowledge that we have made a small yet significant difference in SA’s fight against the circumstances of poverty.

For more information please follow the link below:

Thanking you in advance for your assistance.
Meshal & Jayshree
Durban Office (031 267 8450)


We are happy to introduce Claire McMullin (Bryanston Finance) and Michelle Baird (TES) to the big Manpower family which is growing by the day. Hopefully we will have a picture of them soon. WELCOME!


Its November and almost the time of giving in Christmas. To get into the spirit of the time why not start with our November babies. You are urged to dig DEEP into your pockets and spoil them rotten as we celebrate the month of their birth.


For all those mentioned below you are cautioned not to share secrets. Make some personal changes to your surroundings or to your appearance and you will feel better about your future. Discipline will help you stick to something that you need to finish in order to get ahead.

04/11 Yolanda Olivier – Bryanston E & T
07/11 Iris Oosthuizen – Bryanston General
12/11 Gaironisa Daniels – C/T General
17/11 Pat Cosgrave – Bryanston Reception
18/11 Charmaine Herbst (nee Daisy DeMelker) – Accounts
24/11 Simenthra Bauchoo – Accounts
25/11 Darell Eberhardt – Bryanston Key Accounts
27/11 Lauren Griffiths – Bryanston Finance
28/11 Rhonda Herbst– C/T Finance

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Pravesh bumped into Barry Hilton at OR Tambo Airport. Here is the pic of the '2 cousins'.


Jan, the management & staff

would like to wish all our Hindu

colleagues & clients a very



Cape Town Finance

Pravesh & Jan

Hamlet & Margie
Anel & KristA
JP, Robert, Ian, Rodney & Malcolm


Rochelle, Roveena & Holly

Bryanston Office Support
Cape Town General

Key Accounts
Friday 02nd November 2007 saw the biggest gathering of Manpower SA to-date. The logistics were staggering with over 50 people flying in to the function to join the Gauteng branches. Danielle Easterbrook was assisted by Marie Jacobs in planning, arranging and booking this mamoth event. The night got off to a flying start with each person been handed a cocktail as they arrived at the swanky Hilton Hotel in Sandton. The room was done out in a 'United Nations' them with each table been allocated a country along with a hat with their allocated countries flag. The night was full of fun as everyone got to know one another. They say that pictures speak for themselves so enjoy! Thanks to Jan, Dan & Marie for arranging a fantastic evening.

NOTICE: If your picture appears without a name or you would like to add any photo's to the blog then please email them to To enlarge any picture on your screen - simply click on them and they will automatically enlarge.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


This month SPY-GIRL looks to the stars and gives us our horoscope for the month of November.

23 September – 22 October
Whatever it is, get it done before the 12th. The planet of power Struggles and hidden angers is lurking around the office, offering secret pacts, revenge plots and assorted scary stuff. (You are correct- THEY are out to get you – and only YOU!) Meanwhile lovers and family are demanding some time with you. Crisis management is a mindset, but just for a while. Love at the office is a definite maybe (Probably not at the Bryanston Branch hehehehehehe)

23 October – 21 November
Personal Power is your thing. So what’s your pleasure? Do you wish to squash some impertinent client who had the nerve to make you wait in reception for 1 hour 45 minutes? Or punish your poor colleague for that small misdemeanor? You are frustrated Consultant! Take action of some kind. If you've got plans and are waiting for the timing to change, you won't get a better opportunity than right away. If you don't know what to do next, try something random and new! Invent a new martial art form and demonstrate it to your clients as part of your sales pitch!
Today is not a good day to try drugs for the first time…

22 November – 21 December
Rock a few boats today Consultant! The planets are all aligned and you will get away with it! Life is too short to worry about the small stuff, so see if you can just let it all go and follow your mood throughout the day. The drama will be loads of fun! If someone close is on your wavelength, spend all your time together, get the consultant that works next to you to go run naked around the office block with you, you two need the communication and bonding experience!

22 December – 19 January
You're stuck dealing with a juvenile client who just doesn't need you as much as you would have liked. See if you can bully yourself back into their frame of reference. Do a spec call on Dracula/Snow-white and get that business back with your fantabulous sense of humor! Maybe the will actually ask to see your candidate! – YOU ARE IN!!!!!

20 January – 18 February
Everyone is expecting outrageous results from you! How dare they!!!!??? You are learning more than ever today, thanks in part to your willingness to experiment with the various elements of your life. So let them know to back off! You are successful and you are a winner!!!!! Mars might bite you in the &#$#$ because of your attitude, but that’s ok, the planets are on strike, so no worries!

19 February – 20 March
The people at work around you could be more difficult than usual today. Tell them to relax, enjoy your company and learn form you - for you are a sales wizard. It's not that they're especially moody, but they may be more resistant to playing along with you because of jealousy. No worries about that consultant – the planets are beaming commission rays onto your beautiful soul!

21 March – 19 April
Stay active today –That's usually pretty easy for you, but you may find that you're a bit dof today, especially in the morning hours. The more you do, the better you'll feel, so keep on the move! A large chunk of blazing planetary energy will beam onto you when you prove to the Sales-god that you are worth the energy! Get off your bum and avoid a sloppy result. Go on a client visit to Virgin active for inspiration if you must!

20 April – 20 May
The world has gone mad and you are wondering when you should join in! Take the bull by the horns!!! HAHHAHAHAHA! Now is the time to ask Lilly/Rodney/Rowene/Mel/Shereen/Ian/Funeka/JP for that favor -- you are much likelier to get a good response today. There are no guarantees, of course, but if you take the chance, you might win big! Global warming is gradually changing management’s molecular make-up, soon KPI’s will not exist anymore and the only sales requirement will be to show up. Hang in there!

21 May – 20 June
Jealousy could be a major issue today -- and for once, you're the one who's getting steamed! It's a good idea to count to ten (or more) before getting mad, as most likely you're seeing things from a skewed perspective. Remember: Procrastination can lead to frustration and imperfection. If there is one planet that is on your side, it’s the sun – Go catch a tan when you are done counting!

21 June – 22 July
Try not to worry too much about whether or not you'll make it through your schedule today. No matter how much you've packed into your daytime hours, you'll probably not have the patience to deal with it all. Woolies has the most amazing comfort food. If you start eating now, don’t worry, you will only blow up on Saturday, so you will still be skinny at the Year End Function! Try and avoid beans and dried fruit till the 27th of November 2017, Saturn commands you!

23 July – 22 August
THIS IS THE MONTH FOR THE LEEU-LOOP!!!!! (Ask your Afrikaans friends). You are on a Roll – You are Invincible and people can tell that you are open to success, so it's the perfect time for that meeting to discuss your promotion. Your warmth puts everyone at ease and makes difficult discussions bearable. You might to avoid falling in love for a while, the planets are not in favor for that! You are heading straight for mount Olympus my friend!!!!!

23 August – 22 September
A spot of intrigue won’t go amiss- especially when your business-development frustrations are building to a crescendo! Try to be allusive, secretive and alluring. Come to work in a trench coat, sunglasses and keep your head down. No one will see you! I swear! And if they do (impossible), you will excrete an aura of secretivity and desire. Do not be intimidated by your hidden self! Mars has a mission for you! Go outside and look at the sky exactly 21:00 on 4th November and the secret will be revealed to you!


- From Left to right –
Hayley Lombard, Natashia Jeeawon, Yolanda Olivier, Jean Pierre (JP) Kriel,
John Train, Gugu Madinane and Prelisha Dukhran


In August we featured an article on how a certain member of the back office drove over her better-half and his motorcycle. It has been suggested that this lady now been known as Daisy, named after the infamous Daisy DeMelker. This month we ask, who is this mysterious lady. Post your answer under the comments page.


Manpower decided to move its corporate headquarters to downtown Milwaukee. The $87 million project includes a 294,000 square foot office building, a seven-level parking structure and extension of the Milwaukee Riverwalk. The new site can house more than 1,000 employees. The project is scheduled to be completed by summer 2007.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

BABY SHOWER - TARYN & LEANA - Friday 26th October

Taryn (click on image to enlarge)
Leana (click on image to enlarge)

Bryanston branches threw the BIGGEST baby shower yet to hit Manpower last Friday. Taryn and Leana shared a lovely party that served apple pie, blueberry pie, chocolate mouse cake, swiss roll, peanut snack and an array of healthy titbits. Both were showered with plenty of baby gifts and could not pick a favourite. They conceeded that all the gifts were so damn cute and thanked everyone for the wonderful day and all the fantastic gifts.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


As part of our drive to fulfill our value on been innovative we have registered Manpower Durban on Facebook. That means that if anyone searches 'Manpower', 'South Africa' or 'recruitment' they will find our page with a link to our website and all our national office contact numbers. Check it out at:

To register your own branch or department go to:

TINA'S TIT-BITS on stress

At the moment I am revising for my exams that start in one week, and came across a section that I thought could be shared with everyone within Manpower SA. Most of the contents we know and are common sense, but it never hurts to be reminded, especially when it covers such an important topic and one that affects our lives so greatly.


Let us begin by reminding ourselves that there is good stress and bad stress. Good stress can motivate us into action and help us function at optimal performance levels. Bad stress and too many negative stressors – can eventually lead to burn-out and other symptoms that damage our heath. The latter type of stress kills more people than all illnesses and crime related deaths combined. The general definition of stress is any physical, cognitive or emotional reaction that causes physiological or mental tension that may result in physical or emotional impairment.

As we approach the end of 2007 we all feel to some extent that time is racing faster than we can keep up with. Being involved in our predominately sales focused environment contributes to this period being potentially very stressful. Management and consultants alike know they have targets to meet and time is moving.

It has been widely established that the most common denominator of perceived stress is performance anxiety!

In any organization, a certain amount of stress is necessary and common to obtaining company objectives and goals. Obviously the type of profession, management structures and company culture we find ourselves in all influence how we perceive our environments and lead to a personal interpretation which can result in any amount of stress. Further to this we all have lives outside of our work-place, and there can be many personal factors that increase or decrease our stress levels.

Things like office politics, heavy work load and additional financial or marital problems can impact us very negatively.

There are strategies to dealing with stress and commonly a first-order coping strategy to reduce tension is being controlled, making jokes, crying (yes it’s not a bad thing!), talking it out or working of energy. These types of coping mechanisms are usually seen as normal and a way of having an outlet. The second coping strategy includes withdrawal or dissociation for example; amnesia, passive resistance, aversion, phobias and displacement of aggression belong to this group. The third coping mechanisms can be represented by episodic, explosive outbursts or panic attacks and even violence.

Nobody want to reach a point where the third coping mechanism becomes a reality, so how can we find more positively meaningful ways of dealing with the sometimes excessive amounts of stress that we face from time to time?

It has been reported that improving personal relations, not supporting office politics for example and building strong positive relations with colleagues can go a long way to reducing work pressures. Self-management, especially time management has a number of positive advantages; firstly it increases efficiencies and decreases time wastage which in itself leads to personal conflicts and self recrimination. Exercise is extremely beneficial as it releases morphine-like endorphins which produce an emotional “high” and feelings of well-being. Only three periods of twenty minutes each can make a vast difference to how we handle everyday life. Relaxation is often one of those things we ignore, especially if you belong to the category of type “A” personalities like myself. However, it is a must and we should not allow ourselves to feel guilty about protecting our times of planned relaxation!

If we follow a planned time management, have a satisfying home life, promote good interpersonal friend and work relations, exercise and spent quality time trying some useful relaxation techniques, high stress levels and bad stress management will become a thing of the past. Lastly, but definitely not least, take time to just simply reflect on the many good things in your life. We all have people that mean the world to us, so just taking time to count their worth, in turn increases our self-worth. Have an excellent day!
For your very own 'Anti-Stress Kit' please email: and remember to put in the subject heading 'PLEASE, PLEASE SEND IT TO ME NOW'.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


(click on picture to enlarge)
Here is an article from Cape Town Newspaper – the Daily Voice - Tha Khumalo from key accounts made headlines – she is the lady with the cap on the picture. She was photographed out of 10,000 people who attended the rugby festivities in Long Street.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Yesterday the whole world 'Stood-Up' to Make Poverty History and the Durban Branches took part. We invited the whole office park (with 900 employee's) to join us on this global effort to take part in a demonstration of unity against poverty and besides Manpower only 9 others joined us. The Make Poverty History is part of the BONO/Geldoff iniative and was launched in association of The United Nations and The Art Of Living Foundation. At 4.50pm we all assembled at the entrance to the office park and Henry read out the pledge. He then asked all the assembled to crouch and at exactly 5.00pm we all jumped up to stand against poverty. Even though there were only 29 people, these numbers were added to the global figure and hopefully will be recorded at the largest gathering globally and be registered in The Guinness Book Of Records. It was a wonderful opprtunity to be part of a respected campaign and also to be used as part of our social responsibility programme. The greatest thing is that it did'nt cost a cent. All of the assembled gave of themselves! We encourage the rest of Manpower to take part in next years Stand-Up!
The 'Stand-Up' Bunch
Ian demonstrates how its done

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


This week we publish the long-awaited return of our 'super-sleuth' reporter - Spy Girl.

I was the ringmaster of this disaster: My associate (due to psychological reasons her name cannot be disclosed) and I were about to do a client visit at a client in the telecommunications industry. It's hot, and we're about 45 minutes early to their building, so we decide to get something to drink at the closest place. The closest place was this dingy little cinema that had these delicious looking slush puppy machines on the counter. So I convinced ###### to get a super large cherry frozen icy slush-thing and my colleague does the same, only a lime flavored one. We drove back to the client and sat in the visitor's spot, mentally preparing for the visit, drinking our frozen divine. We were warned that the HR manager is Old School Afrikaans and would remind most of Tannie Stienie of Agter Elke Man (Ask your Afrikaans colleagues who this is and have a laugh…) When the “Tannie Stienie” came over to meet us I managed to steal a look at ######’s mouth and her lips and tongue were BRIGHT GREEN - I mean really bright green, like a luminous green clown. Mine, of course were GLOWING RED. We couldn't wash it off, wipe it off or anything, so we went into the client visit looking like a couple of circus clowns. People actually laughed when we went in - we were never asked back, needless to mention….

POSTMORTEM: Obviously thinking more carefully about one's actions just before a client visit is vitally important.
THE MORAL OF THE STORY: You cannot gain rapport with a client if she cannot 'relate' to you as a circus creature.
ADVICE: Always watch your mouth!

Monday, October 15, 2007


We all know that Manpower leads in the field of innovation. And we've done it again, but with different results. For the first time in the history of recruitment in South Africa we have three soon-to-be-moms who are expecting around the same time. It goes without saying that when Manpower does it - we do it BIG! We caught up with Karen, Leana and Taryn to find out a little more..........

Names (and spouse name): Karen and Warren Whittaker
Do you know whether you are having a boy/girl? Girl
What are you considering calling the baby? Warren likes the name Emma – I’m not too sure yet
What is their favourite baby gift you've received so far? Don’t have a favourite – they’re all great

Names (and spouse name): Leana & Morne Booysen
Do you know whether you are having a boy/girl? Girl
What are you considering calling the baby? Morne called baby Megan the other day, but they have not really decided on a name
What is your favourite baby gift you have received so far? We received so many baby gifts but the best has to be the baby clothes cause they are all so damn cute.

Names (and spouse name): Taryn & Tony Doubell
Do you know whether you are having a boy/girl? Keeping it a surprise for THE BIG DAY!
If, not what are you hoping for? We do not mind
What are you considering calling the baby? Girl – Cassidy, Taylor, Morgan. Boy – Joshua, James, Keagen
What is your favourite baby gift you've received so far? We have received a number of gorgeous goodies! Teeny Tiny’s first gift was a stylish set of wheels at the tender age of 15 weeks – Peg-Perego pram!
Babies nickname at the moment? Teeny Tiny
(Melany predicts that it is going to be a boy).

Friday, October 12, 2007




Please Join Bryanston Office Support manager Rodney Govender in welcoming Phumello, Marlinie & Iris to Manpower. We wish you a long and happy venture with us!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


This months letter
Dear kind sir or considerate madam,
Yours is a class publication which is the last vestige of decency is this carnal world. I long for each publication like a newly wed whose lover has left the comfort of her bossom and gone of to the horrors of war. I, however, would like highlight the notion that your BLOG has lost stature over the past months. Not only have the publications been less, but, though, and though alas (say I and many, many others) you have lost the leading light of your stable - Spy Girl. What has overcome her? Is she no longer of this world? Pray, tell us so that we can morn her passing! If she is not overcome, then I, as many others would, pray that you will release her that she might once again bring colour to our darkened days.
Your neighbour
Mrs Fanny Finkelbottom

The editor replies:
Fear not, kind woman, for we have located the one that thou does miss, for we have enclosed a missal of her despatch for thine pleasure.
The 'Ed'

Spy-Girl Writes
Dear Avbob
Let me tell you what happened, Spy girl went incognito trying to grow her business. The tragic occurrence happened one day when her superior (Gandhi-Govender) saw that a spec call had became something of the past to Spy Girl. A client visit was….. well lets just say there was some opinion about that dinosaur practice…. She was saddened by the cold hard truth of the fact that her superior is right and that she should “pull finger”.
So hereby I guarantee an excellent dramatic resurrection (one that Hoff can only dream of) the moment I have my finger all to myself.
Kind regards
Spy girl


We would like to welcome the following new members to the Manpower South Africa family.

Funeka Sogoni - Branch Manager - Finance Bryanston
Moyomuhle Sosibo - TES Resourcer - Durban General (TES Office)
Rochelle Barnes - Temp Consultant - Durban General
Jean-Pierre Kriel - Branch Manager - Bryanston Technical Engineering
Tracey Lownds - Perm Consultant - Durban Finance
Trishka Sookoo - Marketer - Durban Finance (and assisting Office Support)

Managers are encouraged to send in photo's of all new starts so we can see what they look like.


What your birthday horoscope says:

LIBRA (9/23 - 10/22) 'Be a participant not a complainer'. Use your intelligence to make constructive suggestions and you will end up the hero of the day. You have lots to offer and, if you do, someone will offer you something hard to refuse.

Join together in wishing (and spoiling) your colleagues on their special day:

07th October - Roshini Morar-Bryanston Key Accounts
15th October - Danielle Easterbrook - National Training Manager
28th October - Mariam Moos- Cape Town General

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


(click on picture to enlarge)
Bono is trying! What are you doing? There is something that YOU can do!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Have YOU ever had a bad hair day?

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, Looked in the mirror,And noticed she had only three hairs on her head.Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today?" So she did And She HadA Wonderful Day.

The next day she woke up, Looked in the mirror And saw that she had only two hairs on her head. "H-M-M," she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today?" So she did And She Had A Grand Day.

The next day she woke up, Looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. "Well," she said, "today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail." So she did And She Had A Fun, Fun Day.

The next day she woke up, Looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head. "YEA!" she exclaimed, "I don't have to fix my hair today!"
The incredible MANPOWER positive attitude!!


Innovation is one of Manpower’s core values. We lead in the world of work. We dare to innovate, to pioneer and to evolve. We challenge the norm to find new and better ways of doing things.

So what does this mean in our working day to day at Manpower?

Our Finance Temp Division has not seen as much success as our perm, general temp and light industrial temp business lines. We all know that a Finance Temp Division is a profitable line of work and we all recognize that this area should be one of our strengths.

The saying goes, “Two heads are better than one...” We need your ideas and thoughts. If you were to inherit a Finance Temp Business - what would you do to grow this business line substantially? Please email your ideas to Rowene.

The owner of the idea implemented that grows this business line substantially will be rewarded with a once off R5000 bonus at the end of December 2007. *

Think away, be inspired!


* Subject to idea being accepted by the MD for implementation

Friday, September 21, 2007

CRICKET BREAFAST on 19th September 2007

Click on any picture to enlarge

On Tuesday we hosted a breakfast in conjunction with Accenture and Jaguar for staff and 17 guests. This is our second venture with Accenture and once again proved to be a great success. Fanie DeVilliers was the MC for the morning and guests included: Matthew Hayden, Adam Gilchrist & Andrew Simmonds. Manpower was represented by Marie, Rowene, Rodney, Taryn, Bianca, Tapiwauteta, Melissa, John, Anel, Lauren and Daryl. Guests and staff were treated to a super breakfast, good wholesome cricketing entertainment and then got to meet the superstars for photo's and autographs.

Friday, September 14, 2007


On a hot sunny KZN day in the second week of September, 8 members of Manpower Durban - Finance and General paid a planned visit to Thembisa Ministries in Hillcrest. Both teams had managed to buy a car-boot full of no perishable food-articles and also present two cheques for R500 each. Thembisa is situated in this elite suburban residential area, but has many rural neighbours on its perimeter. Embo Valley is just one such neighbour. When first time buyers Andrew and Rae Wartnaby bought their property in Westriding, Hillcrest over 10 years ago, they were unsuspecting of what lay behind their overgrown fenced back garden. They lived there for almost two years before the came into contact with the reality of Aids, its orphans and sheer poverty. On an eventful day almost 8 years ago, they were approached by a local Embo Valley resident, who described an impoverished Gogo (Granny) who was desperate and unable to feed her orphaned grand-children. On investigation and visit to her rickety overcrowded hut in the Embo Valley, Andrew discovered that the Gogo was indeed in dire circumstances - to the point of digging in rubbish bins. Andrew offered her some money, but she refused to accept it, for fear of victimization. A distraught Andrew returned home and with his wifes's help put together a small food parcel. Since then Andrew and Rae Wartnaby have both given up full time employment and devoted their lives to feeding and helping orphans. Although their sacrifice is humbling and extra-ordinary to everybody, they speak only of the miracles they have encountered along the way and how they do it to be obedient to a personal Saviour.
Thembisa Ministries which is born out of Heart Ministries now hands out weekly food parcels which assist in feeding 600 Aids orphans and Gogo's. They also run a soup kitchen and sponsor school fees. Andrew explained that since the first food parcel there has not been a week that they have not been able to hand out parcels. They are totally unsponsored by any organization on a regular basis and survive only on faith and unexpected support. It was indeed a glorious and memorable occasion to be able to help in a small way. Both branches feel that it was a worthwhile exercise and look to continue to being involved with community help projects in the future.